Saturday 28 September 2013

The Yoga Sūtras of Patañjali

The Yoga Sūtras of Patañjali 

There are 196 Indian sūtras (aphorisms) that constitute the foundational text of Yoga. Patañjali (C2nd BC) was not the first to write about Yoga - other authors had written before him, and he collected their writings to create his text, which became the authority on the subject. 

The 8 Limbs provide an eight-step blueprint for understanding what yoga is really about.

1. Yama. The first limb, yama, deals with one's ethical standards and sense of integrity, focusing on our behaviour. They relate best to what we know as the Golden Rule, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."

The five yamas are:

Ahimsa: nonviolence 
Satya: truthfulness
Asteya: non-stealing
Brahmacharya: using sexual energy wisely
Aparigraha: sharing

2. Niyama. Niyama, the second limb, is about self-discipline and spiritual observances.

The five niyamas are:

Saucha: keeping different energies distinct, purity, good intention
Svadhyaya: study of spirituality and of one's self, awareness
Samtosa: contentment, enjoying the moment
Tapas: commitment to spiritual growth and self acceptance
Isvara pranidhana: open heart, surrender, see the divine in all

3. Asanas, the postures practiced in yoga, comprise the third limb. In the yogic view, the body is a temple of spirit, the care of which is an important stage of our spiritual growth. Through the practice of asanas, we develop the habit of discipline and the ability to concentrate, both of which are necessary for meditation.

4. Pranayama. Prāṇāyām (Sanskrit: प्राणायाम prāṇāyām) is a Sanskrit word meaning "extension of the prāṇ or breath" or, "extension of the life force". The word is composed of two Sanskrit words, Prana, life force, or vital energy, particularly, the breath, and "ayām", to extend or draw out. (Not 'restrain, or control' as is often translated from 'yam' instead of 'ayāma'). 
Pranayama is the fourth 'limb' of the eight limbs of Yoga mentioned in verse 2.29 in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. Breathing is the nearest thing to us, closer and longer lasting than any friend, relationship, family member. The nearer a thing is, the more difficult it is to perceive.

These first four stages of Patanjali's 8 Limbs of Yoga concentrate on refining our personality, gaining mastery over the body, and developing an energetic awareness of ourselves, all of which prepares us for the second half of this journey, which deals with the senses, the mind, and attaining a higher state of consciousness.

5. Pratyahara. The fifth limb is to make the conscious effort to draw our awareness away from the external world and outside stimuli. This withdrawal allows us to objectively observe our cravings: habits that are perhaps detrimental to our health and which likely interfere with our inner growth.

6. Dharana. As each stage prepares us for the next, the practice of pratyahara creates the setting for developing concentration. We, of course, have already begun to develop our powers of concentration in the previous three stages of posture, breath control, and withdrawal of the senses. In asana and pranayama, although we pay attention to our actions, our attention travels. Our focus constantly shifts as we fine-tune the many nuances of any particular posture or breathing technique. In pratyahara we become self-observant; now, in dharana, we focus our attention on a single point. Extended periods of concentration naturally lead to meditation.

7. Dhyana. Meditation or contemplation, the seventh limb, is the uninterrupted flow of concentration. Although concentration (dharana) and meditation (dhyana) may appear to be one and the same, a fine line of distinction exists between these two stages. At this stage, the mind has been quieted, and in the stillness it produces few or no thoughts at all.

8. Samadhi. Patanjali describes this eighth and final stage of yoga, as a state of ecstasy. At this stage, the meditator merges with his or her point of focus and transcends the Self altogether. The meditator comes to realize a profound connection to the Divine, an interconnectedness with all living things.

Delve deeper into Yoga with Tabitha

Wednesday 25 September 2013

Autumn Ayurveda - VATA

Autumn is the season of Vata (air, cool, dry, light, clear, changing).

If your dosha is predominantly Vata you're probably pretty healthy, creative, and exuberant. But when too much Vata accumulates in the body and mind, the imbalance may manifest as physical or emotional disorders, including insomnia, dry skin, arthritis, constipation, high blood pressure, anxiety, and depression. During the autumn/winter all body types become more Vata, so it's good to be aware of ways to help you stay more grounded and vibrant.

*Eat primarily sweet, sour, and salty foods. Avocados, bananas, mangoes, peaches, lemons, pumpkins, carrots, beets, asparagus, quinoa, rice, mung beans, almonds, sesame seeds, and ghee are excellent Vata-pacifying foods
*Eat warming, soothing, and easily digested meals, such as soups
*Drink warming herbal teas such as ginger, cardamom, and cinnamon tea
*Get enough sleep - Vata types tend to push themselves to the point of physical or mental exhaustion
*Learn to meditate. For the over-active Vata mind, meditation is one of the best ways to find calm and stillness.
*Keep warm and avoid drafts. Vata is a cold, dry dosha, so it’s important to make sure that your home and work place are warm and that the air has enough humidity
*After a bath or shower give yourself a rub with a warming oil like almond or sesame

Wednesday 4 September 2013

Parsley - don't pass it off as a garnish!

Parsley is perhaps one of the most commonly used but therapeutically underrated of all herbs. It's often one used as a garnish in restaurants, and the customer rejects it as mere decoration.

Parsley contains more vitamin C than any other standard culinary vegetable, with 166mg per 100g (4oz). This is three times as much as oranges and about the same as blackcurrants. The iron content is exceptional with 5.5mg per100g (4oz), and the plant is a good source of manganese (2.7mg per 100g) and calcium (245mg per 100g). It is also exceptionally high in potassium, with one whole gram of potassium in 100g (4oz) .

Parsley also possess chlorophyll that is naturally derived from the rich organic soil it is grown in, along with natural sunlight and environmental conditions.

Parsley is a valuable therapy for kidney stones, as a diuretic, for rheumatism, menstrual insufficiency and as a general stimulant. It settles the stomach and improves the appetite. The high content of vitamin C is not only useful in its own right, but also assists the absorption of the valuable quantity of iron.

Best of all it's cheap and easily accessible.

Friday 23 August 2013

Breath Of Life

Would you believe that the simple act of breathing can solve a lot of your health problems? We breathe all the time—it's automatic yet there's a big difference between regular breathing (shallow) and deep breathing. Regular breathing comes from the lungs and uses the chest muscles but over time causes a constriction of the chest and lung tissue, decreasing oxygen flow and delivery to your tissues. Deep breathing involves learning to slow and deepen the in and out breath and use the diaphragm (the cone shaped muscle located beneath the lungs) expanding the lung’s air pockets, invoking the relaxation response, massaging the lymphatic system and not just the chest muscles.

10 Major Benefits of Long Deep Breathing. 

It will:
  1. Relax and calm you, whilst also preparing the mind for clarity and positivity
  2. Increase circulation
  3. Help regulate the body's pH (acid/alkalinity)
  4. Pump the spinal fluid to the brain, giving greater energy
  5. Reduce and prevent toxic build up in small air sacs (alveoli) of the lungs
  6. Stimulate the production of chemicals (endorphins) in the brain, which eliminate the tendency to depression
  7. Cleanse the blood
  8. Energize, give greater alertness and awareness due to the life force (prana) in oxygen
  9. Aid in releasing blockages in meridian energy flow
  10. Combat adrenal fatigue

Friday 19 July 2013

Meat free - benefits our bodies, our minds, our souls and our planet

This is a choice that only benefits our bodies, our minds, our souls and our planet. It is an offering to the values of peace, non-violence, compassion and environmental preservation.

Albert Einstein "Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet."

Approximately 750,000,000 animals and 650,000 tons of fish are slaughtered each year for food in Britain. And in the US alone 10 billion animals (not including fish) are killed each year for food consumption. This is much higher than the total number of people on the planet, yet more than a third of the world goes to bed hungry each night.

In brief, several reasons why vegetarianism can be a great life choice:


One of the main principles in yoga is non-violence. Killing animals for food is not only violence to the animal but harms the environment and creates more hunger in the world.

Albert Schweitzer "The thinking man must oppose all cruel customs no matter how deeply rooted in tradition and surrounded by a halo. When we have a choice, we must avoid bringing torment and injury into the life of another, even the lowliest creature; to do so is to renounce our manhood and shoulder a guilt which nothing justifies."

Humane Farming Association “The average farm animal is characterised by acute deprivation, stress and disease. Hundreds of millions of animals are forced to live in cages or crates barely larger than their own bodies. Unable to groom, stretch their legs, or even turn around, the victims of factory farms often exist in a relentless state of distress.”

Even ‘white meat’ is not harmless. More than 300 million baby male chicks (the total population of humans currently in the USA) are systematically, senselessly and painfully killed every year by the egg industry, because, as males, they are useless at laying eggs.

Gandhi “To my mind, the life of a lamb is no less precious than that of a human being. I should be unwilling to take the life of a lamb for the sake of the human body.”


Food is a major source of the body's chemistry, and what we ingest affects our consciousness, emotions and overall well-being.

Imperial Cancer Research Department at the University of Oxford “Western vegetarians have a lower BMI (by about 1kg/m2) and 25% lower mortality from IHD (coronary artery disease). The association between consumption of red and processed meats and cancer, particularly colorectal cancer, is very consistent.”

Before factory farming took off in the 1960s meat was generally free of antibiotics, added hormones, feed additives, flavour enhancers, age-delaying gases and salt-water solutions. Mad cow disease and the deadliest strain of E. coli — 0157:H7 — did not exist.

Today‘s industrialised process reduces the nutritional value of the meat, stresses the animals, increases the risk of bacterial contamination, pollutes the environment and exposes consumers to a long list of unwanted chemicals. If that‘s not enough, when an animal is about to be killed its body is flooded with stress hormones and other toxins which remain in the animals‘ tissues. You ingest and absorb these.

Each day 40,000 children starve to death and the number of people worldwide who will die as a result of malnutrition this year is around 20 million. Dr George Borgstrom, a specialist on the geography of food, estimates that one third of Africa's nut crop (nutritious and high in protein) ends up in the stomachs of cattle and poultry in Western Europe.


Every day the USA alone produces enough grain to provide every person on earth, yet at least 80% is grown to feed livestock. It takes around 16 pounds of grain to produce just 1 pound of animal flesh. If the USA reduced its meat intake by just 10% 100 million people could be fed.

In 'Diet for a Small Planet' Frances Moore Lappe encourages you to imagine bring served an 8 ounce steak. "Then imagine the room filled with 45-50 people with empty bowls in front of them. For the 'feed cost' of your steak, each of their bowls could be filled with a cup of cooked cereal grains."


Eating meat causes almost 40% more greenhouse-gas emissions than all the cars, trucks, and aeroplanes in the world combined. For each hamburger made from rainforest beef, 75 kg of carbon dioxide is released into the air - the equivalent of driving a car all day long for many days. To support cattle grazing, Central and South America are chopping down rain-forests (home to almost half of all the species in earth, including thousands of medicinal plants). In addition to global warming, more than a thousand species a year and becoming extinct. Chemically based farming methods are also contaminating the water.

A United Nations report entitled Livestock's Long Shadow states that eating meat is:

"one of the ... most significant contributors to the most serious environmental problems, at every scale from local to global." It concludes that the meat industry should be a major policy focus when dealing with land degradation, climate change, water and air pollution, water shortage and loss of biodiversity.

It requires 3.5 acres of land to support a meat-centred diet, 1.5 acres to support a vegetarian diet and just a sixth of an acre to support a vegan diet. It takes approx 2500 gallons of water to produce a single pound of meat. It takes approx 4000 gallons to provide a day's amount of food per person on a meat based diet, 1200 on a vegetarian diet, 300 on a vegan diet.

Worried about iron and protein?

Tuesday 11 June 2013

Organic Apples - Delicious & Super Healthy

If there ever was a “classic” fruit, one whose popularity and benefits never wane, it’s the apple. Apples don’t only keep the doctor away, they can provide a wealth of varying health benefits—from weight loss to heavy metal chelation. They are able to do this, in part, because of the various beneficial compounds within the fruit.

The fibre found within apples is known as pectin. This lowers cholesterol levels, can stabilise blood sugar, and help ward off diabetes and insulin resistance. Like most fibre rich foods, the pectin in apples also helps fill you up, making you feel full for a longer period and discouraging over-eating. It's also great for detoxing as pectin helps remove heavy metals and other toxins from the body where they can cause inflammation and disease. This is called chelation.

Another powerful compound in apples is the flavonoid quercetin. This antioxidant is found particularly concentrated in apple peels, where it gives the apple its rich colour. It’s a natural anti-inflammatory and a natural antihistamine that has been found to help combat all sorts of health issues including cancer, high blood pressure, stroke, and much more.

Water-soluble polyphenols are often found in apples as well. These are another form of powerful antioxidants with numerous benefits. Diets high in polyphenols are associated with lower cancer rates, better heart health and enhanced immune function.

These components, and more, work together to deliver a synergy of amazing health benefits. Among those are:
  • Improved asthma symptoms
  • Reduced cancer risk
  • Increased weight loss
  • Increased stamina
  • Increased endurance
  • Reduced risk of diabetes
  • Skin protection
  • Cardiovascular protection
  • Blood sugar regulation

Get Juicy

The benefits of making your own fresh fruit and vegetable juices 
Buying your own fresh produce and then juicing it delivers far more vitamins and minerals than a store-bought juice. There are plenty of reasons why juicing at home provides many health benefits to your body:

  1. Fresh juice has a high nutritional and vitamin content. The juicer separates the pulp from the liquid. Part of the role of chewing and digestion is to change a solid food into liquid form so that the body can assimilate it. When you juice a fruit or vegetable, you drink the liquid form, which goes immediately into the bloodstream and body systems. Fresh juice nourishes your body with vitamin rich and easy to digest nutrition.
  2. Fresh juice is not pasteurised. This requires high temperatures which destroy the fragile enzymes, vitamins and minerals that are present in fresh produce.
  3. Juicing is an easy way to get the amount of fruits and veggies a day that our bodies need. Most of us don’t get the recommended servings. Juicing, however, fills the gap and makes it possible for us to still get that much needed nutrition in a quick and easy (and tasty) fashion. It also helps to regulate body-weight and blood sugar.
  4. Juicing is cleansing. Fresh juices are full of the vitamins and minerals that our bodies require that we sometimes don’t get. When our bodies are satisfied in their needs of proper nutrients, energy is freed up to cleanse the body of trapped toxins. This can also lead to weight-loss, more energy and a better overall mentality.
  5. Juicing keeps us young. When you load up on all the antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals in a concentrated cup or two daily, it helps to fight wrinkles, eliminate free radicals, and add moisture and a glow to your skin.

Tuesday 30 April 2013

Music as a Major Form of Healing

The use of sound to shift our thought patterns, moods, emotions, brainwaves has been around for many years. Shamanistic societies used drum beats to create specific patterns of brainwaves. So what is the value in doing this?

Scientists have known for quite some time that different brainwave patterns can impact our thoughts, moods, and feelings; doing this by tapping into brainwave states, such as Alpha, Delta, and Theta. By shifting these aspects through brainwave patterns, we can also shift the vibrational frequency that we have. We already know that this has an impact on the choices we make, our ability to create things in our life, our desires, and our connection with divine presence. As our vibrational frequency raises, life tends to become more enjoyable, in many ways easier, we worry about things less and tap into our creative energy more. As we do this we also find more peace, and move further into a space of enlightenment. This aspect becomes more and more important in our rushed society; we need to be able to drop into peaceful states quickly and easily.

It seems that music really can be soothing to the soul. Studies have shown the impact it has on animals and plants as well as people. Could music possibly shift more than just a living creature?

Friday 12 April 2013

Healthy Heart with Broccoli

We all know that vegetables are good for our health. But researchers at Imperial College, London have recently discovered why broccoli and other related veggies, may be especially good for your heart. It contains an active compound called sulforaphane.

Certain areas of the heart are more prone to blockage. In these areas, a protective protein known as Nrf2 is inactive. Sulforaphane activates this in the arteries to keep the blood flowing and protect them against clogging.

“What our study showed was that sulforaphane can protect those regions by switching on Nrf2,” said Paul Evans of the National Heart and Lung Institute at Imperial College.

So, what if you don’t like broccoli? Well, the good news is that other members of the brassica family of vegetables also contain sulforaphane.

Bok Choy
Brussels Sprouts
Mustard and Collard Greens

These vegetables have numerous health benefits in addition to those above. They are rich in antioxidants, known for protecting the cells from free radical damage. They are also rich in enzymes known to reduce the risks of breast and uterine cancer.

Friday 5 April 2013

'Ave an Avocado - 20 Nutrients & Anti-ageing

Avocados provide nearly 20 essential nutrients, including fibre, potassium, Vitamin E, B-vitamins and  
folic acid. They also act as a "nutrient booster" by enabling the body to absorb more fat-soluble nutrients, such as alpha and beta-carotene, in foods that are eaten with the fruit.

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the West, but a healthy diet and exercise plan may help reduce your risk of developing the life-threatening illness.

Avocados are a fresh, natural, wholesome part of a healthful diet. They’re irresistibly rich in flavor and, avocados also provide vital nutrients and phytochemicals. Diets rich in fruits and vegetables may reduce the risk of some types of cancer and other chronic diseases.

There are 13 vitamins that the body absolutely needs: vitamins A, C, D, E, K and the B vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, biotin, vitamin B-6, vitamin B-12 and folate). Avocados naturally contain many of these vitamins.

MONOUNSATURATED FATS  – Helps to lower blood cholesterol if used in place of saturated fats.

VITAMIN K – Vitamin K is a fat-soluble vitamin that plays an important role in blood clotting. It is known as the clotting vitamin, because without it blood would not clot. Some studies indicate that it helps in maintaining strong bones in the elderly.

FOLATE  – Promotes healthy cell and tissue development. This is especially important during periods of rapid cell division and growth such as infancy and pregnancy. Folate is also essential for metabolism of homocysteine and helps maintain normal levels of this amino acid.

POTASSIUM – In the body, potassium is classified as an electrolyte. Potassium is a very important mineral to the human body. It has various roles in metabolism and body functions and is essential for the proper function of all cells, tissues, and organs: It assists in the regulation of the acid-base balance; assists in protein synthesis from amino acids and in carbohydrate metabolism; and, it is necessary for the building of muscle and for normal body growth.

VITAMIN E  – A fat-soluble vitamin that acts as an antioxidant that protects the body tissue from damage caused by unstable substances called free radicals. Free radicals can harm cells, tissues, and organs. They are believed to play a role in certain conditions associated with ageing. Vitamin E is important in the formation of red blood cells and helps the body use vitamin K. At lower levels, vitamin E may help protect the heart. Vitamin E also plays a role in healthy skin and hair.

LUTEIN – A carotenoid (a natural pigment) that may be associated with a lower risk of eye diseases. An important antioxidant that may help your eyes stay healthy as well as your skin. It provides nutritional support to your eyes and skin and has been linked to promoting healthy eyes through reducing the risk of macular degeneration, the leading cause of blindness in adults 65 years of age and older.

MAGNESIUM  –An essential mineral for human nutrition. Magnesium in the body serves several important functions: Contraction and relaxation of muscles; Function of certain enzymes in the body; Production and transport of energy; and Production of Protein.

VITAMIN C –A water-soluble vitamin that is necessary for normal growth and development. Vitamin C is one of many antioxidants. Antioxidants are nutrients that block some of the damage caused by free radicals, which are by-products that result when our bodies transform food into energy. Vitamin C is required for the growth and repair of tissues in all parts of your body. It is necessary to form collagen, an important protein used to make skin, scar tissue, tendons, ligaments, and blood vessels.

VITAMIN B6 –A water-soluble vitamin. Water-soluble vitamins dissolve in water. The body cannot store them. That means you need a continuous supply of such vitamins in your diet. Vitamin B6 helps the immune system produce antibodies. Antibodies are needed to fight many diseases. Vitamin B6 helps maintain normal nerve function and form red blood cells. The body uses it to help break down proteins. The more protein you eat, the more vitamin B6 you need.

The Shocking Story of How Aspartame Became Legal


artificial sugarDid you know that Aspartame was banned by the FDA twice? How is this product legal now?
The bittersweet argument over whether Aspartame is safe or not has been going on for a long time. On one side we have medical evidence that suggests we should avoid using it and on the other side we lean on the FDA’s approval that suggests it is safe. Since generally that seems to be the factor that many continue to hold trust based upon, I thought we could look into the Aspartame story to find out how it came to be accepted as safe by the FDA. You would think that something so widely used and so well accepted would have quite the pristine story leading to its acceptance. I imagine one will discover otherwise after reading this post.
It all starts in the mid 1960′s with a company called G.D. Searle. One of their chemists accidentally creates aspartame while trying to create a cure for stomach ulcers. Searle decides to put aspartame through a testing process which eventually leads to its approval by the FDA. Not long after, serious health effects begin to arise and G.D. Searle comes under fire for their testing practices. It is revealed that the testing process of Aspartame was among the worst the investigators had ever seen and that in fact the product was unsafe for use. Aspartame triggers the first criminal investigation of a manufacturer put into place by the FDA in 1977. By 1980 the FDA bans aspartame from use after having 3 independent scientists study the sweetener. It was determined that one main health effects was that it had a high chance of inducing brain tumors. At this point it was clear that aspartame was not fit to be used in foods and banned is where it stayed, but not for long.
Early in 1981 Searle Chairman Donald Rumsfeld (who is a former Secretary of Defense.. surprise surprise) vowed to “call in his markers,” to get it approved. January 21, 1981, the day after Ronald Reagan’s inauguration, Searle took the steps to re-apply aspartame’s approval for use by the FDA. Ronald Reagans’ new FDA commissioner Arthur Hayes Hull, Jr., appointed a 5-person Scientific Commission to review the board of inquiry’s decision. It did not take long for the panel to decide 3-2 in favor of maintaining the ban of aspartame. Hull then decided to appoint a 6th member to the board, which created a tie in the voting, 3-3. Hull then decided to personally break the tie and approve aspartame for use. Hull later left the FDA under allegations of impropriety, served briefly as Provost at New York Medical College, and then took a position with Burston-Marsteller. Burstone-Marstella is the chief public relations firm for both Monsanto and GD Searle. Since that time he has never spoken publicly about aspartame.
It is clear to this point that if anything the safety of aspartame is incredibly shaky.  It has already been through a process of being banned and without the illegitimate un-banning of the product, it would not be being used today. Makes you wonder how much corruption and money was involved with names like Rumsfeld, Reagan and Hull involved so heavily. In 1985, Monsanto decides to purchase the aspartame patent from G.D. Searle. Remember that Arthur Hull now had the connection to Monsanto. Monsanto did not seem too concerned with the past challenges and ugly image aspartame had based on its past. I personally find this comical as Monsanto’s products are banned in many countries and of all companies to buy the product they seem to fit best as they are champions of producing incredibly unsafe and untested products and making sure they stay in the market place.
Since then, aspartame has been under a lot of attack by scientists, doctors, chemists and consumers about it’s safety and neurotoxic properties. Piles of comprehensive studies have been completed that show aspartame is a cause for over 90 serious health problems such as cancer, leukemia, headaches, seizures, fibromyalgia, and epilepsy just to name a few. We have written several articles discussing various affects of aspartame.

Tuesday 12 February 2013

Everyday Mantras!

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This is so brilliant. Copy it. Paste it. Read it everyday!  
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Wednesday 23 January 2013

Rice, healthy? Choose carefully

We are often told that rice is an important staple of any healthy diet.....but there's a huge difference between white rice and brown.

Brown rice is what almost all forms of white rice looks like before it has been put through a refining process which involves the out-side hull and bran being removed. This makes rice lighter and faster to cook.

Rice that has been stripped of its natural wholeness has been stripped of its fibre, proteins, thiamine, calcium, magnesium and potassium.

Sometimes white rice is labelled as “enriched", meaning unnatural fortifications and additives. These fortifications are used because the stripping process removes most of the iron, vitamins, zinc and magnesium from the rice. This is one of the main reasons why brown rice is much higher in minerals and vitamins. Nutritionally, there is no comparison between these two forms of rice.

1. Brown Rice is Rich in Selenium
Extremely high in selenium, an important trace mineral known to drastically reduce our chances of developing certain forms of cancer, as well as heart disease, inflammatory conditions and rheumatoid arthritis.

2. Brown Rice is Very High in Manganese
One cup of brown rice provides over 80% of our daily manganese requirements. This mineral helps the human body create the important fatty acids that make healthy forms of cholesterol. It is also beneficial to the health of our nervous and reproductive systems.

3. Brown Rice Holds Naturally Occurring Oils
These heart-healthy oils are naturally found in brown rice and can help the body reduce LDL forms of cholesterol.

4. Brown Rice Promotes Weight Loss
Because of its fiber-richness and ability to keep healthy bowel function, brown rice “keeps things moving” in a way that promotes weight-loss and metabolic function. After one bowl of brown rice, you’ll feel more full despite eating a smaller amount of food.

5. Brown Rice is a Whole Grain
Unlike white rice, brown rice has not lost its wholeness. Studies show that six servings of whole grains weekly can lower the creation of arterial plaque build-up and reduce chances of developing heart disease and high cholesterol.

6. Brown Rice is an Antioxidant
Most people associate antioxidants with blueberries and green tea, but many are unaware that brown rice is also a source of antioxidants.

7. Brown Rice is Very High in Fibre

Studies have correlated the high use of whole grains like brown rice with lowered levels of colon cancer. This may be related to its high fibre content. Studies show that fibre actually attaches to cancer-causing substances and toxins, helping to eliminate them from the body, and keeping them from attaching to the cells in our colon. Brown rice also contains the necessary components to stabilise digestion, prevent/relieve constipation and promote proper elimination/bowel function.

8. Brown Rice is a Slow-Release Sugar
Unlike stripped rice, brown rice can help keep blood sugar stabilised as it releases sugars slowly and in a sustained fashion. This makes it a better option for diabetics, as compared to white rice. While studies in Asia have shown a link between the consumption of white rice and risk of type 2 diabetes, new research shows that individuals who eat at least two servings of brown rice weekly can reduce their chances of developing diabetes 2 by up to 11 percent.

Sunday 20 January 2013

What are your intentions for 2013? Intentions are different to goals, where the future is always the focus and not what is happening to you in the present moment. A lot of energy is spent working out whether you will reach that goal, whether you'll be happy when you do, and what happens afterwards.

Setting intention is more of a path or practice that is focused on how you are "being" in the present moment. Your attention is on the ever-present "now" in the constantly changing flow of life. You set your intentions based on understanding what matters most to you and make a commitment to align your worldly actions with your inner values.

Wednesday 9 January 2013

Eat Yourself Healthy - Go Green

Superfoods are vibrant, nutritionally dense foods that have recently become widely available and which offer tremendous dietary and healing potential. They have often been used for thousands of years by indigenous people to heal the mind and body, and can be thought of as nature’s medicine.

Greens are good, but green superfoods are even better! Green superfoods have the highest concentrations of easily digestible nutrients, fat burning compounds, vitamins and minerals to protect and heal the body. They contain a wide array of beneficial substances including proteins, protective phytochemicals (scientists estimate that there may be as many as 10,000 different phytochemicals having the potential to affect even chronic diseases such as cancer, stroke or metabolic syndrome) and healthy bacteria helping you to build cleaner muscles and tissues, aid your digestive system function and more effectively protect you against disease and illness.

Avocados are high alkaline fruits that contain healthy, monounsaturated fats, which have been shown to slow brain ageing. They have also been shown to help protect against certain types of cancer, and are a great source of antioxidant vitamin E. An added bonus: the fat in avocado has been shown to help your body absorb the nutrients from leafy greens and other vegetables.

Chlorella is a single celled green algae that is a powerhouse of nutrition. Extremely high in chlorophyll and magnesium, chlorella is the best detoxifier, getting rid of toxins from the skin, liver, brain and other organs. Chlorella is a complete protein source and aids in clear skin, blood sugar balance, mental clarity, balanced digestion, a strengthened immune system and mood stability.

Cruciferous Vegetables: broccoli, cabbage, bok choy, and Brussels sprouts are well-known for their cancer-fighting properties. Recent research has found that these veggies can help prevent certain types of cancer, and keep cancer from coming back in those already diagnosed. Like leafy greens (see below), cruciferous vegetables also help reduce oxidative stress in the body, meaning they help protect against the harmful impacts of free radicals.

Green Tea has graduated from the teapot to the medicine chest as science has shown its wide-reaching effectiveness in addressing concerns ranging from sunburn to life-threatening problems. Green tea has shown to not only aid in weight loss, but also is the most efficient nutrient in protecting against radiation damage, especially at the thyroid. Furthermore, it supports healthy tendons and ligaments, stomach function, blood sugar levels and is an extremely potent antioxidant.

Kale & Dark Leafy Green Vegetables are some of the most nutrient-dense foods around! They are a great source of vitamins K, C, and E, and minerals such as calcium, iron, magnesium, and potassium. They are also rich in protective antioxidants and phytonutrients like beta-carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin.

Spirulina: A cyanobacteria once coveted by the Aztec, spirulina is now considered once of the most nutritious food sources known to man. Once called “the best food for the future” by the United Nations World Food Conference, this blue-green algae is a complete protein rich in B vitamins and has been reported to help correct anaemia, reduce radioactive damage and lower cholesterol.

Wheatgrass: An unprecedented alkalizing and detoxifying green, wheatgrass deeply cleanses the blood, organ and lymph system. One ounce of wheatgrass has the equivalent of 2.5 pounds of green vegetables in nutritional value. It is a powerful thyroid stimulator, correcting obesity and reducing acidity in the body. Due to its remarkable similarity to our own blood composition, regular consumption has tremendous anti-ageing benefits.

We include these superfoods on our English retreats. Give these a go, and you'll notice a huge boost of vitality and sense of well-being.