Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Organic Apples - Delicious & Super Healthy

If there ever was a “classic” fruit, one whose popularity and benefits never wane, it’s the apple. Apples don’t only keep the doctor away, they can provide a wealth of varying health benefits—from weight loss to heavy metal chelation. They are able to do this, in part, because of the various beneficial compounds within the fruit.

The fibre found within apples is known as pectin. This lowers cholesterol levels, can stabilise blood sugar, and help ward off diabetes and insulin resistance. Like most fibre rich foods, the pectin in apples also helps fill you up, making you feel full for a longer period and discouraging over-eating. It's also great for detoxing as pectin helps remove heavy metals and other toxins from the body where they can cause inflammation and disease. This is called chelation.

Another powerful compound in apples is the flavonoid quercetin. This antioxidant is found particularly concentrated in apple peels, where it gives the apple its rich colour. It’s a natural anti-inflammatory and a natural antihistamine that has been found to help combat all sorts of health issues including cancer, high blood pressure, stroke, and much more.

Water-soluble polyphenols are often found in apples as well. These are another form of powerful antioxidants with numerous benefits. Diets high in polyphenols are associated with lower cancer rates, better heart health and enhanced immune function.

These components, and more, work together to deliver a synergy of amazing health benefits. Among those are:
  • Improved asthma symptoms
  • Reduced cancer risk
  • Increased weight loss
  • Increased stamina
  • Increased endurance
  • Reduced risk of diabetes
  • Skin protection
  • Cardiovascular protection
  • Blood sugar regulation

Get Juicy

The benefits of making your own fresh fruit and vegetable juices 
Buying your own fresh produce and then juicing it delivers far more vitamins and minerals than a store-bought juice. There are plenty of reasons why juicing at home provides many health benefits to your body:

  1. Fresh juice has a high nutritional and vitamin content. The juicer separates the pulp from the liquid. Part of the role of chewing and digestion is to change a solid food into liquid form so that the body can assimilate it. When you juice a fruit or vegetable, you drink the liquid form, which goes immediately into the bloodstream and body systems. Fresh juice nourishes your body with vitamin rich and easy to digest nutrition.
  2. Fresh juice is not pasteurised. This requires high temperatures which destroy the fragile enzymes, vitamins and minerals that are present in fresh produce.
  3. Juicing is an easy way to get the amount of fruits and veggies a day that our bodies need. Most of us don’t get the recommended servings. Juicing, however, fills the gap and makes it possible for us to still get that much needed nutrition in a quick and easy (and tasty) fashion. It also helps to regulate body-weight and blood sugar.
  4. Juicing is cleansing. Fresh juices are full of the vitamins and minerals that our bodies require that we sometimes don’t get. When our bodies are satisfied in their needs of proper nutrients, energy is freed up to cleanse the body of trapped toxins. This can also lead to weight-loss, more energy and a better overall mentality.
  5. Juicing keeps us young. When you load up on all the antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals in a concentrated cup or two daily, it helps to fight wrinkles, eliminate free radicals, and add moisture and a glow to your skin.